A chemical synapse is a modified intermediate intercellular junction specialized for a chemical transmission of electrical signals. However, a great number of spinous synapses (at least 77% of perforated synapses) are inhomogeneous and contain undifferentiated vesicle-free portion having character of punctum adherens. As proved by recent immunocytochemical studies, adhesion molecules (cadherins – Fig. 3, catenins, neural cell adhesion molecule - NCAM) are concentrated in these areas. These molecules are significant not only in a processes of differentiation of neural tissue and synaptogenesis, but they are also involved in the synaptic plasticity, inclusive of LTP.
We found an intimate relationship between the spine apparatus and the synapse-associating punctum adherens-like nascent zone: a granulofilamentous material radiates from the inner dense plates of the spine apparatus into the punctum. Our suggestion is that the spine apparatus can synthesize proteins designed for extending synapse (Fig. 1).
Apart from the punctum adherens accompanying the synapse, numerous dendritic spines, especially those of mushroom-shaped type with perforated synapse, possses another punctum adherens fixing an astrocytic process to the spine (Fig. 3). The astrocytes play an important role in maintainance of ion and perhaps also mediator homeostasis in surroundings of synapse.
Extremely elaborated net-like vesicle-free adhesion junctions associated with synapses are formed between dendrites of thalamocortical projection neurons and giant axon terminals in synaptic glomerules of thalamic nuclei (Fig. 5).
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