In addition to the dendrites of pyramidal cells and the axons that make synaptic contacts with them, s. radiatum contains a few cells in their entirety. Cells like these are found throughout the neuropil of the brain.

Astrocyte (enlargement 754K)
The cell is outlined in red. The nucleus of the cell is labeled with the letter N.

Blood Capillary (enlargement 694K)
Endothelial cell forming the capillary wall surrounds the lumen (L). Its nucleus is out of plane of the section.
The nucleus labeled with the letter N belongs to pericyte.

Interneuron (enlargement 726K)
The cell is outlined in red. The nucleus of the cell is labeled with the letter N.

Microglia (enlargement 754K)
The cell is outlined in red. The nucleus of the cell is labeled with the letter N.

Oligodendrocyte (enlargement 791K)
The cell is outlined in red. The nucleus of the cell is labeled with the letter N.