Some typical dimensions of dendrites for a few types of neurons

(Adapted from Fiala and Harris, 1999.)

Neuron Average soma diameter (µm) Number of dendrites at soma Proximal dendrite diameter (µm) Number of branch points Distal dendrite diameter (µm) Dendrite extent* (µm) Total dendritic length (µm)
Cerebellar granule cell (cat) 7 4 1 0 0.2-2 15 60
Starburst amacrine cell (rhesus) 9 1 1 40 0.2-2 120 --
Dentate gyrus granule cell (rat) 14 2 3 14 0.5-1 300 3,200
CA1 pyramidal cell (rat) 21 11,900
   basal dendrites 5 1 30 0.5-1 130 5,500
   s. radiatum 1 3 30 0.25-1 110 4,100
  s. lacunosum-moleculare   15 0.25-1 500 2,300
Cerebellar Purkinje cell (guinea pig) 25 1 3 440 0.8-2.2 200 9,100
Principal cell of globus pallidus (human) 33 4 4 12 0.3-0.5 1,000 7,600
Meynert cell of visual cortex (macaque) 35 15,400
   basal dendrites 5 3 -- -- 250 10,200
   apical dendrites 1 4 15 2-3 1,800 5,200
Spinal alpha-motoneuron (cat) 58 11 8 120 0.5-1.5 1,100 52,000

* The average distance from the cell body to the tips of the longest dendrites.

Sources: Ito (1984); Mariani (1990); Claiborne et al. (1990); Bannister and Larkman (1995); Rapp et al. (1994); Palay (1978); Yelnik et al. (1984); Ulfhake and Kellerth (1981). Full references.