
Fig. 1.9.14. Heterotopic (arrested) granule cells are regularly present in the molecular layer of the rabbit cerebellum, where they are found immediately below the leptomeninx (a: HE staining), and associated with Golgi cells in the middle of the molecular layer (b: HE staining, c: toluidine blue-stained semithin epoxy section). Electron micrographs (d, e) of heterotopic granule cells (arrows) associated with a Golgi cell (G) and a synaptic glomerule in the molecular layer (e). D - dendrite of Purkinje cell. Scale = 1 µm. (Rabbit, cerebellum.) Download the high resolution image (a); Download the high resolution image (b); Download the high resolution image (c); Download the high resolution image (d); Download the high resolution image (e).