Harris KM, Spacek J, Bell ME, Parker PH, Lindsey LF, Baden AD, Vogelstein JT, Burns R (2015) A resource from 3D electron microscopy of hippocampal neuropil for user training and tool development. Sci Data Sep 1;2:150046. PMCID: PMC4555877. (PDF; Tables)
In "A resource from 3D electron microscopy of hippocampal neuropil for user training and tool development" published in Nature Scientific Data, the authors shared three densely reconstructed volumes from hippocampal CA1 neuropil from adult rat. These are the first densely reconstructed hippocampal volumes. All axons, dendrites, glia, and synapses were reconstructed in the three volumes. The data provide standards for identifying ultrastructural objects in 3DEM, realistic reconstructions for modeling biophysical properties of synaptic transmission, and a test bed for enhancing reconstruction tools. The original images, traces, and Reconstruct software and files are freely available and visualized at NeuroData.

The original image files, trace files, and the Reconstruct program to view the files can be downloaded from NeuroData here. For more details about how the data was collected and the reconstructions were created, please refer to the paper.
NeuroData provides visualization of all three of the volumes.
Here is the "Cruise through Hippocampal Neuropil" video, created from one of the three densely reconstructed volumes. And here is the same video narrated by Kristen Harris (2013 World Science Festival).