Fill recording electrode with 120 mM NaCl by first backfilling the tip in a dish, then filling halfway up with a 30 gage filling needle. Place a rubber O-ring close to the tip to catch water drops. Attach to headstage. |
Turn on all rig equipment, including speaker. Be sure that stimulators, Master-8 and manipulators are on, as turning them on (and off) produces a current. |
Record temperature in room, tank temp from FHC heater, and well temp from Digisense. |
Choose a slice which is on lamella and looks to be of even thickness. Turn tank (not net or disc) so that the CA1 cell body layer is at about a 45° angle on the right to the front of the table. |
Place micromanipulators roughly by moving stands. Lower electrodes and move until their tips are all over the slice. If any electrodes cross each other or block the view of the others from either eye move the chamber and/or manipulators until this is remedied. Leave electrodes in chamber for a few minutes to warm up and wipe condensation off of stimulating electrodes with filter paper. |
Turn out room lights and manually lower all electrodes until they are within microns of the slice. Recording electrode should be located in center of CA1, about 150μm from the cell body layer (or halfway between stratum pyramidale and the hippocampal fissure) in stratum radiatum. Stimulating electrodes should be 400μm on either side of it in a line parallel to the cell bodies. |
If using a long thin tipped recording pipet, the tip must be broken to reduce resistance. Move the recording pipet away from the slice and over the net. Lower until it touches the net, then move sideways until it bends and continue until the tip breaks off. A pipet pulled at 59.5° on the Narishige puller starts with a resistance of about 8MΩ, which goes down to below 4MΩ after breaking. This is low enough to prevent most noise problems, but if the recording is noisy be suspicious of the electrode. Check for noise by placing the pipette in the bath away from the slice. |
Tighten screw on the recording manipulator to keep the electrode from drifting. Lower recording electrode first using motor (forward Z is down). Lower slowly until a response is audible from the speaker. Continue to move the electrode down about 50μm. |
Lower stimulating electrodes one at a time by giving pulses from the Master-8. Each pulse moves the electrode about 25μm. Stop as soon as a response is heard on the speaker. Watch carefully- a response may not be heard, but when the electrode hits the slice area around it looks darker. |
Lower each stimulating electrode 50μm, and recording electrode another 50μm for a final depth of 100μm. Turn off light, cover tank with a piece of grounded aluminum foil, and don’t touch anything on the air table again. |
If any of the electrodes are not placed correctly or are too deep, move on to another slice. Electrodes should not be replaced once they are in. |
Wait at least 15 minutes after electrode placement before stimulating to allow the cells to recover (somewhat) from the insult. |