Fig. 2.4.01. Microglial cell
Fig. 2.4.02. Perivascular microglial cell
Fig. 2.4.03. Perivascular microglial cell
Fig. 2.4.04. Microglial cell surrounded by astrocyte
Fig. 2.4.05. Microglial cell in 3D
Fig. 2.4.06. Pericapillar microglial cell in 3D
Fig. 2.4.07. Part of microglial cell body and its process
Fig. 2.4.08. Three-dimensional representation of the part microglial cell body
Fig. 2.4.09. Microglial cell with lysosomes
Fig. 2.4.10. Secondary lysosomes in the microglial process
Fig. 2.4.11. 3D reconstruction of microglial cell
Fig. 2.4.12. 3D reconstruction of microglial cell with processes